
There’s a Brand New George to the Rescue with Interior Designer Marlaina Teich Designs.

Interior Designer

Watch ‘George to the Rescue’ to witness a heartwarming transformation for an incredible family in Commack, NY. 
Jackie, a former physical education instructor, has been battling with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) for over a year. Due to her condition, she has limited mobility and relies on an iPad to communicate. The whole team was beyond honored for the opportunity to provide Jackie, along with her loving husband and their two sons, with the bedroom renovation that she needed in order to help make their home more accessible and their day-to-day a little more manageable. Symmetry Closets donated the beautiful and functional primary closet!

George to the Rescue – Pearsall, aired on 
NBC Ch 4, Saturday, October 7th, at 9:30AM.

Watch the video below and click to check out our other GTTR projects.

George to the Rescue

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