
Give the gift of SYMMETRY This Valentine’s Day

Symmetry Closets

Give the gift of SYMMETRY This Valentine’s Day

Looking for inspiration this Valentine’s Day in the gift-giving department? We have some wonderful ideas for you to show off your sentimental side this year.

This V-Day, for Homeowners, look to do something that lasts longer than that bouquet of flowers. You need a change of pace when it comes to celebrating the day. Maybe you or your valentine are planning something less traditional for the day. Try opting for a light house renovation or a little re-decorating. Plus, you may think of a home renovation also as a relationship renovation – new wall sconces, new you?

Customized Closet Storage

If you or your sweetheart were recently discussing adding on to your closet or pantry storage, a gift certificate from Symmetry Closets would be such a thoughtful gesture.

Surprising your loved one with a custom closet system, or a brand new, perfectly organized pantry is truly a gift that continues to give throughout the years. For some couples, this is just the thing that they’ve been talking about for months. So, If you’ve been looking for a reason to get into action – now is the perfect time to execute the “dream walk-in closet”.

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